Understanding EMDR

One of the hardest questions to answer when seeking out psychotherapy is “what type of therapy is right for me?” There are so many evidence-based modalities to choose from, and it can quickly become overwhelming to decide which one you should seek out. One approach that can be incredibly beneficial – while also being very…

What is Postpartum Psychosis?

What is Postpartum Psychosis? The reproductive years are a time of intense psychological vulnerability for women, with a significant number of psychiatric admissions occurring more around childbirth than any other time in the female life cycle (Wisner, Gracious, Piontek, Peindl, & Perel, 2003). One of the rarer presentations seen during this time period is postpartum…

Preventive Measures for Seasonal Depression

What is seasonal depression (seasonal affective disorder)? As the end of January arrives, we find ourselves in the doldrums of winter. The winter blues are a common experience for many people living in certain climates, and the lack of sunlight, limited time outside, and potential disdain for cold weather create the perfect winter storm that…

What is Dyspareunia and the Underlying Diagnoses of Sexual Pain

Addressing unwanted sexual pain is a key component of sexual health. The presence of unwanted sexual pain, also known as dyspareunia, can make engaging in sex become quite stressful. Dyspareunia can vary based on the person, and can occur before, during, or after sexual intercourse. It can sometimes even happen while using female hygiene products—such…

Shining the Light of Togetherness on the Mental Health Awareness Month

Source: Photo by Ivana Cajina on Unsplash Whether it be during May for Mental Health Awareness month or at any time during the year, there are many ways to help promote awareness and acceptance of mental health issues and care. Now more than ever, we are seeing the prevalence and importance of mental health issues…

Your Perinatal Journey: A BRAIN Tool to Help Empower You in Decision-Making

Source: Photo by Omurden Cengiz on Unsplash Throughout your perinatal journey from early pregnancy to the day you give birth, you will encounter many decisions you need to make. Self-advocacy during this process is imperative as you communicate your needs and preferences regarding everything from where you would like to deliver your baby to medical…