Postpartum depression affects the whole family. The new mom’s distress is often disorienting to her partner – he may sense that she needs support but feel at a loss as to how to offer it. Fathers also frequently report a reduced capacity for providing meaningful help due to their own struggles in the early postpartum…
Sometimes New Dads Need Help Too
Having a baby can be one of the most stressful times in our lives. We experience disruptions in sleep and changes in routines, self-care and personal time are redefined, and our identity and day-to-day lives completely shift to support a new human being. During this time of change, new parents experience an incredible amount of…
Therapist Spotlight: Marco Renzi, Advanced Clinical Intern
Marco is an advanced clinical intern at Wildflower for the academic year of 2019-2020. He is in the process of obtaining his Master’s degree in clinical social work at The University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration. Marco works with individuals and couples and is receiving extensive training and clinical supervision from senior staff…
Demystifying Depression in New Dads
While the mental health field has made major gains in recognizing and treating depression experienced by moms in the postpartum period, less attention has been given to fathers who are impacted by depression during this critical period. The lack of discussion about postnatal depression means that many struggling dads are not always aware that such…