Teletherapy at Wildflower

Experience the convenience and flexibility of teletherapy services in Illinois, Colorado, and beyond. Our dedicated professionals are here to offer support through virtual sessions tailored to your needs.

How To Get Started With Wildflower

Request a Free Consultation

Schedule a 15-minute consultation online or by phone. We’ll cover key details and make sure we’re the right fit for your needs. 

Complete New Client Paperwork

Receive registration forms pre-visit. Your therapist will review details, ensuring clarity on our policies and guidelines.

Attend Your First
Therapy Session

During a 60-minute intake session, you’ll get to know your therapist and discuss your treatment needs. 

Seeking Flexibility? Dive Into Online Therapy.

Online therapy blends the best of convenience and tailored care. Through our secure, HIPAA-compliant teletherapy platform, you can get top-tier mental health support without needing to leave the comfort of your home. Schedule a free consultation to get started. 

Teletherapy: Accessible,
Secure, and Effective 

We provide teletherapy services via a secure and private video platform to reduce barriers to access for our new and existing clients. When factors such as a long commute, childcare needs, mobility issues, and a busy schedule prevent people from getting the care they need, online therapy is an effective alternative. 

Our dedicated therapists uphold the same high standard of care remotely as they do in person – effectively remaining highly attuned to the core components of the human experience: mind, heart, body, and spirit. Tailoring sessions to your goals, our therapists offer expert psychotherapy and employ a range of experiential techniques, from mindfulness and breathwork to dance and movement therapy. 

Online Mental Health Support: Quality Care at Your Fingertips

Wildflower brings compassionate and professional mental health support right to your doorstep. Experience the convenience of virtual sessions without compromising on the quality of care.

Secure Sessions

High-end encryption and a HIPPA-compliant platform ensure every session is private. Confidentiality remains our utmost priority.

Flexible Appointments

Easily schedule sessions that fit into your busy day, including during our evening-hours time slots. Teletherapy adjusts to your lifestyle. 

Expert Therapists

Our licensed professionals maintain the highest standards, offering the same quality care online as in person.

Therapeutic Techniques

Our team specializes in a wide range of therapeutic modalities, allowing us to customize our approach to your needs. 

Simple Set-Up

All you need to get started with teletherapy is a secure internet connection and preferably video access. Use your phone, tablet, or computer for sessions.

Barrier-Free Access

Live far from the office or struggle to find childcare for therapy sessions? Teletherapy removes those barriers to high-quality care.

Flourish With Wildflower:
Discover. Heal. Grow. 

Dive into a transformative therapy experience with Wildflower. Uncover hidden strengths, embrace emotional growth and journey toward a renewed sense of self. 

Core Tenets of Wildflower’s
Clinical Philosophy

Deeply Relational &
Personalized Therapy 

We recognize that you are the expert on your life. Therapy at Wildflower is a collaborative journey. Our caring, affirming therapists tailor sessions to your unique needs and experiences, emphasizing the therapeutic relationship as a catalyst for growth.

Commitment to
Excellence & Learning

Every client deserves the best of our clinical skills and knowledge. Our team is a community of professionals who not only uphold shared values and clinical excellence but also engage in regular training and consultation to stay at the forefront of therapeutic practices.

Stigma-Free View on
Mental Health 

Mental health is a vital component of overall well-being, deserving of attention without any stigma or judgment. Everyone faces challenges, and seeking help is a sign of resilience and strength. Every person’s mental health journey is valid, and we aim to support that with the utmost respect.

Advocates of Social
Justice & Inclusivity 

We recognize that no one exists in a vacuum. Complex systems of oppression and privilege shape individuals’ lives. We believe that as mental health professionals, we have an obligation to promote social justice and contribute to a world that celebrates every person’s inherent worth. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Teletherapy is backed by research as a valid alternative to face-to-face sessions. However, there may be times when online therapy is not the best fit. Our main goal is to support your well-being. We’ll always suggest what’s best for you after thoroughly assessing and understanding your situation.

Most insurers cover online mental health services at this time. The majority of Wildflower therapists are in network with BCBS PPO and Blue Choice plans, which currently cover teletherapy for most clients. Some of our therapists are in network with United PPO/Optum and Aetna PPO plans. We encourage you to check with your insurer to discuss your particular plan and to confirm your benefits.

We offer online mental health services in Illinois and Colorado. Some of our therapists are licensed to provide services in PSYPACT-participating states.

 Many people are living and working in an environment where partners, children, parents, roommates, and others are always nearby. If this is your situation, there are creative ways to ensure a sense of privacy for therapy sessions. 

Stepping away into a room and closing the door, using a white noise application on your phone and putting a towel under the door, using headphones, or asking whoever lives with you to listen to music or a podcast through headphones are just some of the ways to create a sense of privacy. 

We understand that for some the current living arrangement may make it difficult to feel safe and comfortable to start or continue therapy in the home with other people living in it. Others may have young children or no private room they could use. Please know you can seek alternative spaces for therapy services, including having the session in a car, while on a walk, or finding a comfortable sitting position in a safe environment outside where others will not overhear you.

While therapy via a secure, HIPAA-compliant video platform is ideal for relationship building, accurate clinical assessment, and other reasons, research supports the efficacy of psychotherapy over the telephone when video is not an option. Per the American Psychological Association, a review of 13 studies found significant reductions in symptoms of anxiety and depression when therapy was provided via telephone (Coughtrey and Pistrang, 2018). Initial intake sessions must be conducted via video. Decisions about subsequent psychotherapy sessions over the telephone versus video are made at the therapist’s discretion. Please connect with your therapist to discuss if this may be an option for you.

Be open to the idea that like many things that are unfamiliar, teletherapy may initially feel slightly strange until you get used to it. This being said, our clients have reported that their initial fears about any awkwardness and discomfort were quickly dispelled. If it does feel strange to be working with your therapist remotely, the best thing you can do is to talk to your therapist about it. They will work with you to help you understand and cope with any feelings that arise.

We recommend treating teletherapy like you would in-person therapy. The degree to which therapy is helpful depends on many factors, but the goodness of fit between you and your therapist combined with your willingness to put in the effort and time to work towards your goals are key determinants of success. 

Additional guidelines to maximize the effectiveness of teletherapy include:

  • Being on time
  • Attending sessions while not under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Minimizing distractions such as cell phones, computers, and other electronics
  • Refraining from engaging in other activities during sessions (e.g., driving, cooking, cleaning, caring for children or pets)
  • Informing your therapist of your location
  • Refraining from recording sessions unless this was agreed upon with your therapist
  • Ensuring you are in a private space with no other people present

Our Clients’ Growth Stories

Blooming Insights:
The Latest from the Wildflower Blog 

We believe that knowledge and learning are key aspects of helping you to grow and thrive on your mental health journey. Stay updated with our latest articles on emotional well-being, perinatal mental health, sexuality, and more on our blog. 

Blossom Into Your Best Self with Wildflower

Work with Wildflower to cultivate emotional strength and clarity. With expert support and a deeply personal touch, let’s nurture your growth and well-being. Ready to bloom? We’re here to guide you.