Navigating the Postpartum Transition as a Health/Wellness Professional

On Monday, June 10th, 2019 we are hosting Holding The Healer: Navigating the Postpartum Transition as a Health/Wellness Professional as part of our Wildflower Talks series. This particular Wildflower Talk is open to health & wellness professionals/professional caregivers only. You do not need to be a parent to attend.

With the birth of a baby, a parent is born. Their world is abruptly changed and so is their role in it. Their identity, relationships, fantasies, routines, and attitudes are in a state of flux. New parents needs time, space, and support to discover how to make sense of this unfamiliar reality, and how to thrive in it. As health professionals we, too, experience these same massive forces of change within us and around us as we become parents. We may be surprised, delighted, and concerned by the impacts that becoming a parent has on our professional practice. In this Wildflower Talk facilitated by Aga Grabowski, LCSW, PMH-C, we will discuss the experience of navigating the identity of a new/newer parent and that of a health professional as well as explore the key components of wellbeing during this phase of life.

Wildflower Talks are about bringing people together  for the purpose of casual, intimate exploration of tough topics that matter.

The event will be held on June 10th from 5pm to 6:15pm at our office. The flyer can be found here.

To register online, please visit this link. We hope to see you soon!