Stefanie Cobb (she/her)

Beyond Cramps and Cravings: Understanding the Difference Between Premenstrual Syndrome and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

Throughout history, the medical field has had a complicated and often contradictory relationship with reproductive mental health. While accounts of symptoms related to the menstrual cycle date back to ancient times, their existence was often met with irrational skepticism. Mood fluctuations were frequently attributed to a wandering uterus or the toxic and healing properties of…

Expanding Your Window of Tolerance: Understanding the Optimal State for Emotional Well-being and Healthy Relationships

Have you ever experienced a day when a seemingly minor inconvenience suddenly morphs into an unbearable burden? Perhaps you have been consumed by an intense rage that caused you to take out your frustration on a loved one inadvertently. Alternatively, you may have felt emotionally numb and disconnected during a crisis. If any of these…