Jessica Erickson, BS (she/her)

Shining the Light of Togetherness on the Mental Health Awareness Month

Source: Photo by Ivana Cajina on Unsplash Whether it be during May for Mental Health Awareness month or at any time during the year, there are many ways to help promote awareness and acceptance of mental health issues and care. Now more than ever, we are seeing the prevalence and importance of mental health issues…

Learning About Therapeutic Modalities: What Is the Unified Protocol (UP)?

Source: photo by Eneko Uruñuela on Unsplash Psychotherapy is a rich and vibrant field that is continually evolving. This means there is a great variety of therapeutic approaches practiced by mental health professionals. Some, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, are well-known and widely researched. Today we’d like to introduce you to a promising, newer modality…

Negative Automatic Thoughts: How to Reframe Them and Take Back Your Power

Source: Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash What are automatic thoughts? Automatic thoughts are something you may or may not be aware of when going about your daily life. These come up when your mind naturally takes in stimuli throughout your day and makes an attempt to interpret that information. There tend to be many…

Self-Care and Boundary Setting After Giving Birth

Source: Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash Whether this is your first child or your fifth, life undoubtedly looks different after welcoming your new baby into the world. During this transition, you might find that you are putting pressure on yourself to do everything just as you did before baby arrived. Unhelpful societal expectations with…

Making the Most of “Me Time” During the Holiday Season

Source: Photo by Audrey Fretz on Unsplash Despite the pervasive message that the media and society in general send about being with family and friends during the holidays, we recognize that this isn’t the case for many people. Please know that you are NOT alone in that, whether it be due to logistical or personal…

How to Establish and Maintain Boundaries with Family and Friends During the Holidays

Source: Photo by Dima Pechurin on Unsplash Setting and maintaining boundaries with family and friends starts with asking yourself what you want your boundaries to look like. It can be difficult to differentiate between what you truly want and need versus what you feel you should do. This is further muddied by the expectations that…

Pregnancy and Infant Loss: Navigating the Journey as a Couple

The impact of loss, whether it be through miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss, is immense. This grieving process can often feel lonely both for you as an individual and for you and your partner as a couple. Differences in how you process the experience individually within your relationship have the potential to exacerbate these feelings…