What Do Babies Really Need?

On Monday, September 16th, 2019 we are hosting What Do Babies Really Need? as part of our Wildflower Talks series.

As parents, we want what is best for our children. We fret over infant care items, the crib, the feedings. We want to be good parents. No matter how intensely we pursue this goal, questions linger: will we be good enough? What do babies really need from us and how do we know we are providing it?

If only there was an instruction manual. If only they could tell us. It turns out that they do, in myriad ways, from the moment they are born. Join us to explore the question of what babies need to thrive. In this Wildflower Talk facilitated by Katie Caddell, LCSW and Kate Ernstrom, LCSW, we will talk about the qualities of relationships with caregivers that help babies feel safe and loved; we will draw on important ideas derived from the fields of developmental psychology and infant mental health. You do not need to be parent to attend.

Wildflower Talks are about bringing people together for the purpose of casual, intimate exploration of topics that matter.

The event will be held on September 16th, 2019 from 5pm to 6:15pm at our office. The flyer can be found here.

To register online, please visit this link. We hope to see you soon!