What is Dyspareunia and the Underlying Diagnoses of Sexual Pain

Addressing unwanted sexual pain is a key component of sexual health. The presence of unwanted sexual pain, also known as dyspareunia, can make engaging in sex become quite stressful. Dyspareunia can vary based on the person, and can occur before, during, or after sexual intercourse. It can sometimes even happen while using female hygiene products—such…

Self-Compassion: Tips for Incorporating More Self-Compassion in Your Daily Life

Source: Photo by No Revisions on Unsplash “You, yourself as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” You might have asked yourself, “What is self-compassion?” It’s a way of treating yourself with kindness and affection, the way you would treat others. Often we treat others with more kindness and empathy…

Couples Therapy: How to Maintain Success

Source: Photo by AllGo on Unsplash The beginning of couples therapy tends to create a lot of positive change in the relationship. You will learn how to change your cycles of conflict and improve your communication. In some of my previous articles, I have shared some of the skills that you can use to strengthen…

How Understanding Desire Can Help You Connect with Your Sexual Self

Source: Joanna Nix-Walkup on Unsplash What is desire? Typically in popular culture, we see sexual desire depicted in a binary way; there are people with high sex drives and people with low sex drives, and there are a multitude of messages about what being in either of these two groups may mean. Mismatch or misunderstanding…

Being a Psychotherapist in a Post-2020 World

Source: Photo by Greg Rosenke on Unsplash  What does it mean to be a psychotherapist in a post-2020 world? What does it mean to work in reproductive mental health at a time when rights are being systematically attacked and birthing people lack bodily autonomy and the resources to parent? In the past months, this probably…

Shining the Light of Togetherness on the Mental Health Awareness Month

Source: Photo by Ivana Cajina on Unsplash Whether it be during May for Mental Health Awareness month or at any time during the year, there are many ways to help promote awareness and acceptance of mental health issues and care. Now more than ever, we are seeing the prevalence and importance of mental health issues…

Your Perinatal Journey: A BRAIN Tool to Help Empower You in Decision-Making

Source: Photo by Omurden Cengiz on Unsplash Throughout your perinatal journey from early pregnancy to the day you give birth, you will encounter many decisions you need to make. Self-advocacy during this process is imperative as you communicate your needs and preferences regarding everything from where you would like to deliver your baby to medical…

Supporting a Partner Experiencing Postpartum Depression: Some Do’s and Don’ts

Source: Photo by Lina Trochez on Unsplash If your partner feels depressed in the weeks, months, or few years after having a baby, you likely feel desperate to take away their pain and make them feel better. It is incredibly difficult when someone you love is sad, hopeless, or distressed after having a baby and…

Negative Automatic Thoughts: How to Reframe Them and Take Back Your Power

Source: Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash What are automatic thoughts? Automatic thoughts are something you may or may not be aware of when going about your daily life. These come up when your mind naturally takes in stimuli throughout your day and makes an attempt to interpret that information. There tend to be many…

Taking Space: How Intentional Distance Can Actually Improve Your Relationship

Source: Photo by Milan De Clercq on Unsplash The pandemic has impacted all of our lives in unprecedented ways and much has been lost, from the ultimate loss of loved ones to job loss to the loss of our ability to engage in our hobbies or connect with friends and family safely. At the beginning…