5 Things You Can Do Today To Start Being More Productive

Source: Photo by Ian Dooley on Unsplash Have you ever looked at your to-do list, felt overwhelmed by how much is on it and ended up taking a nap instead? If so, you aren’t alone. According to a research study conducted by Reutskaja et al. in 2018, while our brains find the idea of choice…

What Is Sexual Health?

Source: Photo by Leticia Pelissari on Unsplash  Have you ever taken time to reflect on what your sexual health means to you? Depending on our personal histories and our accessibility to resources (educational, medical, etc.), we may not have an idea of what sexual health means. Historically, sexual health has been understood as avoiding unwanted…

Matrescence as a Psychotherapist: Part III

Source: Photo by Vivek Kumar on Unsplash  In our first two articles in this series written in collaboration with Chrissy Ellis, LCSW, PMH-C, we have identified what matrescence is and what it means to navigate this transitional period as a therapist, the various client and therapist reactions that commonly occur, and how to use the…

Pregnancy and Infant Loss: Navigating the Journey as a Couple

The impact of loss, whether it be through miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss, is immense. This grieving process can often feel lonely both for you as an individual and for you and your partner as a couple. Differences in how you process the experience individually within your relationship have the potential to exacerbate these feelings…

Matrescence as a Psychotherapist: Part II

Source: Photo by Bethany Beck on Unsplash In our first article in this series which was written in collaboration with Chrissy Ellis, LCSW, PMH-C, we discussed the profound change we undergo during matrescence, or the physical, psychological, and emotional changes associated with the transition into motherhood. We also explored just how challenging it is to…

Couples Therapy: The State of the Union Conversation

Source: Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash Once we have been in a romantic relationship for a long time it is easy to fall into a rut or to switch to autopilot. By the time we notice that we have fallen into a routine or begin to stagnate, it can feel incredibly difficult to break…

Matrescence as a Psychotherapist: Part I

[Photo by Ryan Franco on Unsplash] Our roles as therapists are characterized by the ability to create and hold space, bear witness to vulnerability and change, and attend to the dynamic and varying needs of our clients. Our roles as mothers and caregivers often demand these very same things. The transition to motherhood fundamentally changes…

The Language of (Emotional) Pain and the Case for Expanding Our Vocabulary

[Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash] “I feel melancholy sometimes, especially lately” said my friend as he leaned back in his chair. We were sitting in my backyard. The sun had just set and the sky had that lovely deep blue hue that appears for just a few brief moments as the day and…

Rippling: Finding Meaning in a Turbulent World

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ― Maya Angelou I stood in the hospital hallway. My son was just taken from me for an emergency surgery. I could not follow him. It made sense and it…